7th Gear Over Rev
A Motorsports enthusiasts dream! Your hosts, professional racecar driver Kevin Krauss and automotive enthusiast Co-Host, John McGrath bring you bi- weekly episodes and give a unique, insider’s perspective. Conversations with drivers, interviews, race reviews, historical features and much more across all aspects of motorsports! They tell the stories you can only write...... with an EDGE!
7th Gear Over Rev
EXCLUSIVE! The Legendary Bill Cooper!
Season 3
Episode 18
In this absolutely incredible 2 hour, unedited phone interview, Kevin speaks with the man who taught Dale Earnhardt Sr. how to road race and tells some jaw dropping stories of things that went on behind the scenes during his illustrious career as a racer and as Bob Bondurant's right hand man for many, many years, Bill Cooper. LEGEND! Get the popcorn out and settle in! It's totally worth it!!